June 08, 2013

Sales Hunting Tips from "The Sales Hunter"



June 5, 2013

Your Customer Has Changed. Have You?
6 Questions You Must Answer.

What parts of your sales process are you still using that your customer couldn't
care less about?

To find out what I mean, check out my Sales Motivation Blog. [http://thesaleshunter.com/your-customer-has-changed-have-you-6-questions-you-must-answer/]

What Sales Winners Do Differently

There's been a lot of noise in the world of sales lately.

With publications such as the Harvard Business Review declaring "The End of Solution
Sales," our friends at RAIN Group wanted to know whether this is true, how selling
is changing, and what sellers need to do to maximize their success.

They studied more than 700 B2B purchases made by buyers who represented a total
of $3.1 billion in annual purchasing power.

Their free report, What Sales Winners Do Differently [http://info.rainsalestraining.com/free-report-what-sales-winners-do-differently?utm_source=SalesHunter&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=SalesWinners],
highlights their findings, including:

* Whether or not solution sales is dead
* How sales winners sell differently than the second-place finishers
* What buyers report is most important for sellers to do to win their business
* The 3 areas where winners do well, and second-place finishers fall short

If you want to win more sales, while also maximizing customer loyalty and referrals,
this report is a must read.

Get your copy of What Sales Winners Do Differently [http://info.rainsalestraining.com/free-report-what-sales-winners-do-differently?utm_source=SalesHunter&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=SalesWinners].

In Case You Missed It...

Links to help you improve your skills and increase your success...

What You MUST Know About Walking Away from a Deal [http://thesaleshunter.com/what-you-must-know-about-walking-away-from-a-deal/]

Why the "Push Concept" Could Revolutionize Your Monday [http://thesaleshunter.com/why-the-push-concept-could-revolutionize-your-monday/]

VIDEO SALES TIP: Your Customer Wants Outcomes, Not "Benefits" [http://thesaleshunter.com/video-sales-tip-your-customer-wants-outcomes-not-benefits/]

5 Reasons You Don't Want to be a Sales Manager [http://thesaleshunter.com/5-reasons-you-dont-want-to-be-a-sales-manager/]

The Sales Magnet by Kendra Lee [http://thesaleshunter.com/the-sales-magnet-by-kendra-lee/]

Happy Hunting!
Mark Hunter
"The Sales Hunter"


"The Sales Hunter"

Mark Hunter helps salespeople and companies find better prospects and maximize profits!


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