August 01, 2016

One on one with Chiefs and in Charge

Kindly schedule a one on one meeting with CMO and set the schedule;  minimum of 2 days.  Please research prior to the meeting and you will do the discussion


1.  Restore PASSION attitude,  competence and skill for Chief
2.  Increase/improve sales

Who:         RCC, RCG,   (Sa calamba? sino?    AC of Oton


We met last July with the hope of improving our sales.   We sent promo items, we increased and implemented salary scale after we increased our prices (which we have not done for the last 3 years).  We hoped that this would increase our morale, passion and motivation.  The reverse happened this July We had measly 47 sales.  In addition there are allegations and whispers of wrongdoings in some SBUs and heaps of unfinished projects

When :   Beginning Aug 3

1.  Attitude is everything:

      Mental models
      Napoleon Hill:  Think and Grow Rich
      How to win friends and influence people
      The quick and the dead.
       7 habits of highly successful people
2.  Management

     Powerpoint on Entrepreneurial Management
     Performance evaluation
     Admin plan
     Business plan
     Day in the life of a supervisor

3.  Leadership

     Leadership from within
     Connecting the dots from the past to present and future

4.  Sales and Marketing

     Goal setting and vision board
     The Worlds Greatest Salesman the  10 scrolls
     4 ps of marketing
     SEC of the market (population -  Nielsen classification)
     Competitive research
      The product/business model    MVP
      The sales funnel
       Managing the sales force:

             1.  Recruitment
             2.  Training
             3.   SEAD
             4.   Sales Meeting
             5. Com and motivating the sales force
Closing sales and handling objection
Customer service

1  day for the first two sets of  topics
1.  day for the next two sets of  topics
Appended as of Aug 2, 2016

Who shall I meet for Calamba?

The Chief or in charge must:

1.  Make a power point explaining what he understands from each topic?

2.  How are the topics relevant to him/her or staff?

3.  What are the action plan (for each topic) by the discussant.

They must really prepare.  I would like to correct that this will just involve revision of the sales for July power point action plan.

Let us add Office etiquette

We need to address this ASAP because of issues involving pay, possible failures and closure, bankruptcy (as in an island province where we need to pay back huge loans and yet very tiny sales performance)

1.   low performance low morale despite levelled up benefits
2.  plenty of unsolved problems/pending items in the sbu;
3.  poor reporting
4.  very unleader like mindset 
5.  more me than we.

which we need to address ASAP

Thus we need to do more hiring and having more alternative staff to lead our SBUs

Jorge  U. Saguinsin


  1. Acknowledge on the scheduled meeting Sir!
    We will read the topics and be prepared before coming to the meeting.

    Rocel Cariño

    1. I had issues with the chief the discussant not discussing and covering the 3 items to be discussed in each topic: what was learned, relevance to the SBU, and how to apply in the work/or personally. (5w and IH) the PPt was also uninspiring. Please read post on how to do better ppt.


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

4. signify that you have read by putting your name on this comment box. Every staff must: post the name on this comment box, or like, agree/will do. Your registering on this comment box is being graded under communication. Observe RRURAC: Read, Reflect, Understand, Realize (apply to reality) Apply, and Check (if it works)
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