Every 3 pm M T W:
Who all CSS
Day 1: Customers and business
1. Who is the customer
2. PTM
3. The sales process: suspects, prospects, buyers, repeat sales
4. What is customer service; improving customer experience?
5. Bouquet of customer service
Day 2: 1. Interment service checklist. What has gone wrong
2. New Purchases: lowering device, carpet, etc.
3. Not being done: convoy, dalaw paburol, pa 40 days.
Day 3: Marketing and sales
1. Vision <-- Cash Flow <---Sales
In order to have sales, you need
2. What do you need in order to sell - planning via
Marketing plan 4ps or 7 ps
3. Ads
1. various media - soc media, paid media
2. Use of soc media:
1. Bests
2. Obit
3. Tribute
4. Anniversary
You tube
Non google
1. FB
Whats app
2. Twitter
3. Shopee and Lazada
4. Poster lay out - Using publisher or ppt.
1. Guide - what are the competitors doing; what key points
are they emphasizing: kaputian, pumuputi ng 7 days,
amoy bulaklak, lalakas ang mga gurang
2. Lay out of outdoors and fb
Remember focus and attention: key points, advantages of the
products. 7 words rule
use picture, no pictures
3. AIDA ads for FB - you must catch the attention of the one scrolling
A ttention - your headline, first line must make the reader stop
and take note
I nterest - the attention must grow into
D esire
A ction - inquire, call dm, tripping
4. You still follow the 3 steps in selling
1. General ads for all your products to make the prospect learn more
and reach as many as possible (so this is under the boost)
2. Gratuity period - you develop Class B prospects
Those who opt in, ask for more information
3. The selling phase (via messenger) you get the close, the price, the
freebies the docs to be signed. ec.
I will lecture on the rest. Ms MLM, any body who can handle the rest