April 28, 2012

The 12 Absolutes of Leadership by Jim Estill CEO Blog

"I listen and I forget, I see and remember, I experience and I understand" - a Chinese proverb

The 12 absolutes are:

1 - Lead - This seemed like too simple of a place to start but the chapter is quite good. I got hooked by the subhead "Anchor yourself in Humility". I see a lack of humility in leadership and I think this does not serve us. Leader need to move above the ME to the WE. 

2 - Purpose - This is the true enabler of any company.

3 - Strategy - In the end, it is all about execution.

4 - People - Clearly key to everything. I always had the theory that a leaders' job was to hire average people and help them grow to be above average (by empowering, training, coaching, mentoring and giving them the tools to do the job well)

5 - Measure - I find this easy on the "hard stuff" like sales, profits, delivery standards etc but always struggle trying to measure the "soft" like culture. I also find too often, measures are short term where the organization really needs long term.

6 - Empower - I am a big believer in this. No business can scale without empowering people - not just delegating but trusting them to make the right choices to help a company thrive.

7 - Reward - obvious. If the company does well, the people should do well.

8 - Anticipate - "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan" Elanor Roosevelt.

9 - Navigate - the unexpected will happen.

10 - Communicate - key to all leadership.

11 - Listen - I would have put this before communicate. 

12 - Learn - I love learning and always wanted any company I am involved in to be a constant learning company.

Some quotes:

"Leadership is the eighth wonder of the world - easy to intellectualize, but elusive to actualize"

"Leading is less about analytics and strategy and much more about making a difference in the lives of others."

"Leaders are mirrors of the organization"

"Leadership is Grace, Dignity and Restraint."

"Shared Purpose Creates Shared Urgency"


    Team work will play an important quality to achieve our goal. A good result make a LEADER to glorify.
    - Marvex Mallo

  2. Leaders are not born, we are made. Everyone of us is a leader.
    A T T I T U D E
    1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%, is the most perfect ingredient of a leader, we must practiced not so much in words but in actions and attitude must be, a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. A leader can hold a team - LEAD TO WIN!

    Danica Grace M. Ordinario

  3. Leadership is the very things the people avoiding to be involve and attach to, leadership is good to hear but they don't realize the responsibility behind. If we can transform somebody to be extra ordinary indeed you have a quality of a leader it is transforming something into something better.

    Eddie Borejon Visited this site Sept. 4, 2013


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

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