March 16, 2016

Top 10 signs of unprofessional behavior


Rizal Philippines
March 16, 2016

What is the significance of this day?  Do you remember about Magellan and the Philippines and Philippine  History.?

Today, let us visit one of the Ps of business.   Professional.  The best way to learn this is to know what not to do

Are you guilty of practicing any one of  them?

Why is it important to be professional always in your work even if others wont, or dont, or hate being one.?

Why are some people not growing to be professional?  What prevents them

Copy paste of the article and my commentary:

Every company has one, if not many, unprofessional employees. It’s what makes the world go round, and one of the unfortunate truths that we can’t know about until they are working alongside or under you. These individuals think may or may not be good at their job, however what they all have in common is their undying ability to be unprofessional in the workplace. Whether it is their conduct or how they carry themselves, it is important to spot unprofessional employees and set things right before there are detrimental circumstances to deal with:
Here are the top 10 signs of unprofessional employees:
1. Dress
Tight shirts, plunging blouses and crumpled t-shirts are the standard uniform of unprofessional individuals. They think that coming to work and going to the beach should be easily interchangeable and that is where their fall is. Dressing professionally is an acquired skill - and not everyone has it. So next time you see your colleague/employee walk in with flip-flops on, make sure HR sends out a memo to staff to clarify the dress code.
Comment:   This is a no no during interment.  The ISG and those who bury the dead cant wear slippers, rubber shoes or shorts.  This was observed in Calamba.  Some males have earrings tattoos and piercings.   This behavior is not to be tolerated if we believe in John 14.
2. Blame
Playing the blame game is one of the favorites of unprofessional employees. They don’t own up to mistakes, and insist on blaming other people for their shortcomings. “It’s not my fault that I forgot to tell you the memo with the deadline, you should confirm it” is a simple example of how they would get away with being unprofessional. “Sorry” and “My bad” are words that don’t exist in their dictionary because they are so perfect in their eyes.
Comment:  Some never take the responsibility;  hide behind the skirts of ladies.   While the responsibility for a technical job lies in the person, like nego, price reduction, or problem solving, those who do not know anything about the technical job would most likely be reported to be responsible. Those who play the blame game, never grow and thus are height challenged
3. Bully
Bullies coexist with us in the workplace, even after we leave the tormented playground of school. If you feel harassed by a colleague, or bullied by your boss - it is important to take note of this behavior and report it. It isn’t that hard to spot a bully, they are the ones that make people flinch in the room, the ones no one wants to work with or ask about anything.
4. Pranks
Office pranksters are the “clowns of the class” - but there is a fine line between good natured fun and downright unprofessionalism. Do you regularly walk into work and have to watch out for water balloons? Or is your desk covered in thumb tacks on a weekly basis? These types of unprofessional get away with being bullies under the label of “being funny”. Resolve now to deal with this prankster who won’t give up.
5. Gossip

“Did you hear about so-and-so being caught with Mr. X in the elevator?” - A classic opener of a gossip. Unprofessional people think that gossiping about colleagues, employees and management is a norm and acceptable in the workplace. Newsflash - it isn’t! Steer clear of gossips because they turn you into one if you aren’t one already.
Comment:  Some do during office hours and in gang. I wonder what good it does to their career and the people they hurt. Gossip hurt and destroy permanently relationships who take gossips as true and whose life revolve around gossips.  Gossip make them alive..Take note that those who gossip are also gossiped.  And some of them may end up dead, if they hurt others so bad, or are so peeved with their unending destructive work.  The wages of gossip is also death.  One such gossiper just became a widow (she herself being gossiped who can be laid for a can of sardines)  Another one lost her sister.  Another one lost her mother.   So gossiper, rejoice and be counted.  Continue soliciting gossip during office hours, using company assets, and centralizing the gossip mill.   (That is professionalism in gossip ha6)  Take note that your work does not get unreported or unknown.   You are being watched.  You will not rise above the street or gutter level.
6. Bad Manners
Addressing people with respect, integrity and professionalism is one of the basic rules in the workplace. You don’t yell out “Oye!” in the hallway, neither do you push past others to reach the microwave first - it is simply bad manners.
Comments;  shouting like informing somebody is calling, or talking loudly when there are other conversing on the phone,, leaving when the boss comes, not coming to join the boss when he comes, leaving without informing where one is going.  Leaving dirt, dirty utensils when going home.   Leaving things on the desk that are sloppy, bad work, submitting work late, or incomplete
7. Lunch
Taking long lunches and strolling into the office late are classic traits of unprofessional people. They don’t give work priority and think that they can get away with their laid back behavior. While it is okay to do this once in a while, it is important to keep an eye on employees who regularly take advantage of the break.
8. Fake
Many people want to put on a different personality in the workplace - which is, unfortunately, accepted widely. This attitude is not only misleading and annoying, but it can lead to many problems in the running of the department/company. This includes miscommunication and poor decisions by management. Try to project your real personality at work, rather the one you think is acceptable.
9. Stealing/Lying
While it may seem trivial at first, stealing in the workplace is an alarming and growing issue. There are many people who think it is completely acceptable to grab someone’s lunch from the communal fridge, or steal stationary to take home for personal use.
Comment:   The wages of sin is death:  We had two employees who stole money and others forged PO and was able to take home batteries and tires and resell them.  The first one died of cancer after we filed case of theft vs her;  the second one died after being stabbed in a good time at a fun place.

We note also that those who are caught, just like Deguito of RCBC involved in money laundering even go to the extent of inventing lies to put their superiors in jeopardy as she did saying that the Prexy know about this transaction, and she knows Lorenzo Tan;  her subordinate her right hand,  Angela Torres, making an affidavit that she saw the money the P20 million being loaded into the car of William Go. This was discredited by her boss, Romulado Agrrado who said the money was loaded into the Lexus Suv of Dequito.

Imagine Deguito caught in the act eh biglang si William Go whom Agrrado said he never saw in the branch, and involving the RCBC President in the money laundering act.  The Go account was fictitious. But these allegations by Deguito put Go and Tan in a very bad light, as were the perpetrators in an SBU caught in the act, judged as guilty spewing lies destroying the relationships and the personality of the head of the organization

RCBC Jupiter Manager laudered the Bangladesh hot money
10. Poor Communication
The most important, yet the most ignored, sign of unprofessional workers is their poor communication. If a person cannot communicate orders, information or ideas clearly then there is no point of their working in a team. Unprofessional people don’t listen to instructions and usually do whatever they please. 
Comment:   This stem from lack of listening.  They have preconceived notion and in their mind that is what they interpret the communication to be. Akala ko.  Others have such a poor habit:  not reading emails and therefore do not have the necessary information to do the job properly.  Others simply do not care.  Or may be not qualified to work here.  Some do not know how to use the cellphone the texting and emails
Unprofessional behavior at work:

Professional business manners at work
Civility represents the social norms and rules that must be followed in order to positively and productively relate with others. When people hear the word “civility,” words that come to mind include respect, courtesy, tolerance, consideration, and a rational approach to conflicts.
Behaviors that threaten positive and productive relations with other people, constitutes uncivil behavior. You can be uncivil without meaning too — for instance, you simply assume that what’s acceptable in one social context (at the bar or at home) is acceptable in your current work environment. Or,  you can be uncivil intentionally, for example you verbally attack a co-worker or use profane language when things don’t go your way.   What behaviors can be considered as uncivil? There are many. Below are just a few examples:
  • Bullying and intimidating co-workers: Threatening violence against co-workers who would report timesheet irregularities to management
  • Leveraging the power of cliques in order to ostracize particular individuals.
  • Employees speaking to subordinates in condescending tones.
  • Failing to acknowledge another person’s presence: Ignoring other people’s greetings and well-wishes; going past a co-worker without so much as a nod or a greeting.
  • Using abusive language:  Being verbally abusive or using crude or foul language
  • Gossiping: It’s uncivil behavior to both instigate and spread rumors against another person, regardless of whether the “news” seems accurate or relevant to the accomplishment of the task at hand.
  • Discounting employee contribution: Discounting means deliberately downplaying or ignoring the importance of another person’s statement or work contribution. For instance, some members in a team may tend to cut off a person that they do not like during a brainstorming session. Taking credit — or worse, compensation! — for work that you did not do is also an example of discounting behavior.
  • Sabotaging individual and company efforts:  Intentionally not informing a co-worker who is competition for a promotion of the exact time a client will arrive in the building.
  • Discriminating against a particular individual or group:  Attacking an individual based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, mental ability, and physical appearance.
  • Practicing insensitivity against co-workers’ needs: Inability to pay attention to the feelings and needs of others e.g. not giving a grieving co-worker time off before demanding workplace attendance. Insensitivity may also come in the form of engaging in activities distracting to co-workers, e.g. taking a cell phone calls while in the middle of a meeting, or not cleaning up the whiteboard as one leaves the training room.
  • Practicing poor etiquette in dealing with correspondence: Ignoring phone calls and emails, using company email to send private messages, and discussing individuals in mailing lists as if they are not there.
  • Taking, without asking, a co-worker’s food from the office refrigerator  or just taking things that are not yours.
  • Shifting the blame for your mistake to a co-worker.
  • Not saying you’re sorry when you really need to.
  • Ignoring e-mail or phone messages, browsing on iPhones or texting during meetings.
  • Leaving malfunctioning office equipment for the next user to fix.
Civility goes beyond good mannersCivility is about self-awareness and social-awareness. Incivility can significantly affect the company’s bottom line. And, incivility has a direct impact on a company’s productivity, sales, employee and customer retention among others. Civility, on the other hand, can improve all these areas considered as relevant in the running of a successful organization.
Reward: Motivation theories support that happy and relaxed workers are productive workers,  and willing to go the extra mile for their company.
Cost: Disrespect and inconsideration on a jobsite is highly stressful, and contributes to low workers’ morale, absenteeism and low employee retention. You can also include in that list, the amount of time management has to spend in finding workable solutions, human resource handling complaints, and time wasted in gossip and name-calling to save-face.
At your service,
Mercedes Alfaro's Signature


  1. Don't be a self centered person, be happy to those who succeed in their life. Matured enough to face all trials and challenges in life.

    Mildred L. Macaraig

  2. Always remember we will should be a PROFESSIONALISM not UNPROFESSIONAL,because when you act professional work we will respect and honor of everyone. It will help if we avoid the 10 habits of unprofessional to ourselves to motivate us in our daily activities.

    Vanessa Tria Badal


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