July 24, 2012

How the rich gets rich?

"I listen and I forget, I see and remember, I experience and I understand" - a Chinese proverb

If you  want to get rich and that is your goal, it will never happen that way.  You have to know the best route to getting rich.

From the data of IRS in US, the rich got measly sums from salaries, interests and dividends. Neither from investment in corporations and businesses.  They got the biggest from capital gains.  (That this is the strategy of the rich -  get small salaries for deferred taxation, and then get most when you exit from capital gains when taxes are lower.is beside the point)

Conclusion:  You cant get rich on salaries and dividends nor investment in companies. You can get rich by investing in yourself (self dev) and in others, doing a hundred small things right, and then few big things right.

Here is the link to the Inc. article:    How the rich got rich from Inc.

1 comment:

  1. That is true the most important investment is in our own self especially on investing that will add to your knowledge, as stated in one of our holy writ, it says and I quote, Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto this life it will rise with us in the resurrection and if a person gain more knowledge and intelligence through his diligence than the other he will have so much advantage even in the world to come."end quote. thank you sir Jorge for reminding us about this important duty not only to ourselves but to our creator as we prepare to meet Him for He did not place us in this earth to remain unlearned and deprive.


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