July 17, 2012

Trainee Journal

"I listen and I forget, I see and remember, I experience and I understand" - a Chinese proverb

July 17, 2012



                It was almost three months ago when I went to main office in Angono, Rizal. All by myself and courage I was so determined to have my orientation. I am so excited and many things are crossing in my mind. Are they nice or snob, or can I pass the training? All of this was answered when I had my orientation. J

I.  What did I learn?

      A.  Orientation

Ø  New Vision, Mission, Beliefs, and Principles

        Vision- to be the leader in the memorialization business in the next ten years ( 2020 ) in the Philippines and Asia.

1.    Obituaries
2.    Tribute
3.    Cremation
4.    Affordable Interment


 Mission- to provide best tributes and loving memories to customers and noncustomers


To give the best service that there is; the customer is divine; the customer is the king. He pays your wages.
To strive to be the best in everything we do; to hire and train the best; to practice the best process.

We will keep abreast of world’s best practices; we will learn one new thing a day.

4.    CHANGE
Change is the only constant thing. We will change always to be better and very competitive.


1)    We will give capable and intelligent directions in the management of the business.

2)    We will find ways to be first effective and to be efficient in the utilization of resources in the operation of the business, man power, machinery, materials and methods.

3)    We recognize the impact or corporate activities in the community where it operate and therefore to contribute in the promotion of the well- being of the community.

4)    We want to grow because we want to create more jobs and employment opportunities to everyone.

5)    We will create wealth for our stakeholders, investors, suppliers, landlords, lenders, and employers.

Ø  History of the Company

Started in 1983
Developed subdivisions and memorial park
6 Memorial Parks
-       Holy Gardens Oton Memorial Park
-       Holy Gardens Calapan Oriental Mindoro
-       Holy Gardens San Fernando La Union
-       Holy Gardens Pangasinan, San Carlos
-       Holy Gardens Greenhills Calamba
-       Holy angels Morong
 Jorge U. Saguinsin- Sr. Managing Director

Unique Selling Preposition:
      “ Special place where people are remembered in a special way. “

Ø  Product knowledge

·         Lawn Lot
-       One lot, double- tired with lower and upper vault
-       Two bodies, two interment, 2 sets of bones
-       Markers may be placed parallel to the ground Dim: 12”x24”x1”
-       Measures 1mx 2.5m

Regular Lot- inner lot
Special Premium- along the path walk
Prime- Main road
Super Prime- Corner lot
·         Senior Single Niche
-       4 lots, 8 bodies, 8 Interments
-       One lot measures 1mx3m and other three, 1mx2.5m that each niche is 3mx3.5m
-       Provided above the ground shall not exceed 1m in width and 1m in height.

·         Garden Estate
-       30 sq.m, 12 lots, where the owner can build an open family mausoleum.
-       Strategically zoned, conforming to Feng Shui requirements and the need for privacy and exclusively.
-       Open memorial structure not exceeding 3m in height may be constructed.
-       60% is the buildable area.
-       Owner has the freedom to landscape the area as prescribed by the guidelines of HGGMP.
·         Interment

-       Senior Citizen Services- entitled 20% in interment, with ID/ not valid if no ID
-       Surcharge- interment fee
                   Php 24,490
                   Sunday- 10% Php 27, 445
                   Interment on legal holidays- 20% charge
                   Rush Interment- 40% charge 3 days before the Interment

                 Having a product knowledge I can easily market our product to our valued customers. I feel I’m confident enough to answer their questions regarding  our product. Product presentation is exciting part because when at the end you close a deal you will feel fulfillment with yourself. 

Ø  Secret of Success
-       You reach your goal and objectives.
-       Humanistic
-       Philosophical
-       Acceptable
   6 Secrets of Success
-       Hard work
-       Hard work
-       Hard work
-       Work Hard
-       Work Hard
-       Keeping your word
                   Success is really about doing what you love, as often and as well as you can. This fulfills you and adds value to those around you. In fact, when you take charge and do those things that you love to do, no matter what, success and it’s definition stop mattering. Those things, and the way you do them, are what matter. Success, therefor, is not a goal to be obtained but rather a way of life. The destination you set should be one of your choosing, not based on an ethereal ideal of ‘success’ but rather on your own personal hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Of course defining those may be even harder than defining success but they are yours to define.

 Acceptance- emptying your cup
 Believe- commitment
 Cooperate- need because your committed
 Dance with the music- conversion result/ output

Ø  3 Fold of Duty of Every Employee

DILEGENCE- means perceiving, hard work, exceeding expectations being a NO LIMIT PERSON.

OBEDIENCE- Doing what is ordered.

LOYALTY-  Faithful adherence to the company, product and officers.

Ø  Office Decorum
1.    Employees must wear uniform/ business suites at all times
2.    Employees shall properly fill time logbooks whether in the filled of projects sites.
3.    Soliciting gifts from clients, customers and suppliers are prohibited.
4.    Employees shall wear ID at all times. 

                In every company there are different  policy are subject to implement. But they have all the same in purpose, to discipline each one of us “ employee”. If a salesman or salesclerk are properly dressed you can establish trust and confidence to the customers. We should not receive soliciting gifts from suppliers and clients because it could result to losing them. Wearing of ID is important so that people will know that you are a bonafide employee of the company.

Ø  Parable of the Pencil

1.    You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.
2.    You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but this is required if you are to become a better pencil.
3.    You have the ability to correct any mistake you might make.
4.    The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.
5.    No matter what the condition, you must continue to write. You must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter how difficult the situation.

                The story pencil is an inspirational story for everyone. If we replace our self with pencil, we can deliberately picture our self with a conflicts and obstacles that we had to face in our daily life. The story also a reality of life, about how we manage to look in something and the qualities one has to handle it. The first quality in the pencil always mentioned to us about a one’s capability of doing something great in life and realizes that there is a hand guiding their steps and ways, which was our inner self, which meant that everything depends on our self whom has the control. Having that control, religious aspect might help to strengthen those inner values. Another quality that an individual need most is to learn to bear the ruins, pains and sorrows to become a great person in life as a pencil also need to suffer a little to make it sharpen. The third quality, a person should be able to correct their mistakes which always help us to keep us on the road to justice. The fourth value that is really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior but the graphite inside which tells us the importance of our inner values. These good values such as sincerity and trustworthiness will always guide us into a correct path of life. The fifth value, , tells us no matter how tough the situation are, we should be able to complete our duties without hesitation and doubts. Lastly, the parable of pencil, encourages me to be a strong person and tells me that everyone is a special person and have different abilities in the way they are. Everything depends on an individual willingness to fulfill the purpose to which we born to accomplish.

Ø  Mulat Isip

Like a tree, one must be rooted and this our Mission, Vision, and Beliefs. And then we must have a trunk  ( heart ) and we  must grow and this serves as our leaves.

Without Roots
1.    People resign easily
2.    Are affected by rumors
3.    Lose enthusiasm
4.    Frequently absent
5.    May leave undone
Without Trunks
1.    Cant tackle difficulties
2.    Cant tackle on new responsibilities
3.    Cant tackle relied upon
4.    Cant tackle trusted
5.    Culture
Without Culture
1.    No branches
2.    No new ideas/ products
3.    No transfers/  new ideas

Engagement process in Communication
1.    FOCUS- concentrate on the topic
2.    ATTENTIVENESS- presence of mind and paying attention
3.    REVERENCE- show respect to our subordinates, patient, humility.

B.  A.M. Talk
Ø  Communicating with God by Praying
Ø  The Song “ Sayo Lamang “
Ø  The song I Offer my life to you
Ø  Main Objective of Holy Gardens
Ø  Be a miracle

         Morning prayer is important because it helps us have a good and soothing day. We need to thank God for giving us life to see the new morning. We need to pray so that the day goes well without getting into trouble.

C. Reading Blogs
Lesson on frugality from Arch Bong
              As I read this one I don’t understand the word “ frugality “ then I search it in the internet. Meaning of “ Frugality” is the quality of being frugal, thrifty, prudent or economical in the use of consumable resources such as food, time, or money and avoiding waste, lavishness or extravagance.

              In my own opinion  frugality is a way of looking at things; it's a mindset. Just like anything else, people have certain beliefs and patterns of thinking, and that becomes their mindset. I think it's a very good mindset for simple and economical living. Let's look at and get a better idea of what the frugal among us might be thinking and what they believe in.


     Is a very powerful component in business. The brand must have a logo to make branding easier and more possible. The consumers decide if they will buy a product or use a service based on how they view the brand. The brand itself tells us or let us imagine how good or bad the product is even if we never tasted it before!

II. Relation to what I know?

A.   Orientation

                     During my orientation the knowledge that was imparted to me I realized it helps me improve as an individual. I was motivated and looking forward to myself becoming a productive employee. I am inspired to Ma’am Aireen who trained us during our orientation. I simply adore her because she is smart and plan her work ahead of time. Now  I understand the importance of hard work, perseverance, and determination to achieve my goals. I’ve also learned the nature of the business which is to render quality service to the customers, to help in the grief of many people, to help the people in the community in providing jobs and give service as well to non-customers.
                  In my orientation I practice my learning’s.  I just not memorize the mission, vision, beliefs and principles but understand it and put it into action as much as possible. I always look and ask  my friends if they have relatives or friends who passed away because I told them that Holy  Gardens Oton have a free obituaries. I’m so happy to see that thru our  FOFF, the family felt so great. In my orientation I learned the secrets of success and I realize that I must be aggressive and understand the nature of my work. Concern with the complain of the customers and take a “ next step “. I make sure that I can come early in office to have my work done. In communication I always make sure to list down the information given to me during conversation on the phone by the customers or suppliers. I always provide  transmittal letter for whatever documents being given so that there will be a paper trail for    the documents. I file or organize all documents so it will be easy for us to look for it  whenever its needed. Always relay information’s to people in charge for immediate actions  if necessary.

A.M Talk
                 During our a.m talk we make sure that we have our prayers. I make sure I thank Him for the greatness he gave us. I applied the message of the song every time I encounter people. If you love GOD you will let yourself be an instrument. In everything I do dedicate to Him because He is great and inspired me so much.

Reading Blogs

                I will always read a blog because I know the blog that was posted could help us not just an employee but as an individual. I will make comment and share my ideas as well. I know that learning’s is constant. I will always be inspired by the blogs that was posted. Put it on my mind and as much as possible I will apply it in my daily work.   
               I make sure I posted pictures on a Blog or Facebook because this the cheapest way to market and introduce a product to the public. Easiest way to market a product and its one way to gain prospective customers. It is also one way of advertising promos, discounts, or sale. This is also one way for the public to post comments, suggestion and inquiries                      

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