Some amendments correction:
CAPF (AP) xxx
Sale ( Deferred Income and RGP) xxx
Subject: Cash Sales & Installment Sales
To: Holy GardensGroup <>
To: Holy GardensGroup <>
Cost of goods sold is arrived at by dividing UDC + cost of land by saleable area (usually 60% to 70%) UDC is the projected total amount of development to be incurred during the entire development of the property into a memorial park. It is set up based on the signed computation of the Project Engineer.
Real Estate Held for Sale (REH)
Cost of Land xxx
Total cost to develop xxx
Unexpected development cost: xxxx
Subsequent sale of plots are credits to REH; forfeitures are debits to REH. The supporting documents to REH are:
1. UDC computation
2. Master list with all the additions and subtractions
Dual (or even triple control of master lists are instituted:
1 copy from Sales Admin Assistant (Records Assistant) based on documents
1 copy of Treasury Assistant (based on SBU records updating)
1 copy at each SBU based on PPA, and abstract
COGS = Cost of
Sales which are paid in full, in spot or for a period of 30 and 60 days from the date of the reservation depending on the agreement with the customer.
Cash xxx
PC xxx VAT
Sales xxx
COGS Sales
COGS Sales
Gross Profit xxx
Net Sale
JV Partner Share
Our share
Less: COGS
These are sale of lots on credit. The clients/customers paid a certain portion of the contract price. The balance is payable within one (1) year or five (5) years at the discretion of the buyer. This is evidenced by a notarized Contract to Sell/Offer to Purchase, duly signed by the buyer, agent, marketing specialist, accounting, Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director.
Net Sales – Gross Sales less sales discounts and other non plot prices
Cash (D/P) xxx
ICR xxx
Deferred Income (Sale - COGS)
Deferred Income (Sale - COGS)
CAPF (AP) xxx
PC (AP) xxx
VAT (AP) xxx
Since there is a debit to Sale at DI side there is a Cr to COGS at REHS
Since there is a debit to Sale at DI side there is a Cr to COGS at REHS
Installment Sale (Owned)
Net Sale
Deferred Income
Accounting for installment sale
Down Payment
Deferred Income xxx
AR VAT (for one year)
Our DP includes:
1. The down payment for the lot price
2. Perpetual Care
The VAT is a receivable for one year (without interest)
Where deferred income is Net Sale - COGS (for the entire cost of land before sharing)
Cash xxx
Realized Gross Profit xxx
Interest Income xxx
The DI is a control account, and all subtractions from this coming from RGP should be properly noted.
RGP = Installment x Fraction of Installment x 80%) Deferred Income
1/36 (3 years to pay) x 80% of the deferred income
1/48 (4 years to pay) "
1/60(5 years to pay) "
The sale transaction is reversed:
Sale ( Deferred Income and RGP) xxx
COGS Sale xxxx
ICR xxxx
COGS Sale xxxx
ICR xxxx
No transactions are made with regards to VAT since they have been paid to the govt, PC is likewise deposited to trusteee bank
Cash (50%of principal payments) xxx
Other Income (Interest income + penalties xxx
This is excluded from further JV sharing since the JV all ready got its share and the inventory is returned for further sale.
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