January 20, 2015

Chart of Accounts of Chapel and Memorial Services

Chart of Accounts of Holy Gardens Chapel and Memorial Services

1.   Balance Sheet


Cash and Cash in Bank

Accounts Receivable
     Memorial Plan Co.


Furniture Fixtures and Equipment

Other Assets:

Total Assets

Liability and SHE

Current Liabilities:

       Salaries and Wages
       Trade Accounts Payable

Notes Payable

      Car Loans
      Bank Loans
      Due to HGGMP

Total Liabilities


Stockholders Equity
Retained Earnings
Paid in Surplus

Total Equity

Total Liability and SHE

2.  Profit and Loss (Income Statement)


     Sale of Services

     Less:   Marketing expense (max of 10% for sales, upgrading)

     Less;   Senior Citizen discount (not applicable for P20t and P12t packages)

    Net Sales:

Less:   CGS (cost of Casket)  /

    Less operating expenses:

    1.  Wages and benefits

    2.   Electricity and utilities

    3.  Embalming contract  (for Calamba) /

    4.  Chemicals and Cosmetics /

    5.  Amenities:

        Flowers,  /

       Tarps,  /

       Thank you card /

      Memory board; /

      Coffee, creamer, candies for the viewing /

      Mineral water

 6.  Oil and gasoline  /

 7. Repairs and maintenance

 8.  Depreciation /

 9. Chapel rental /

10 Interest Expense

Total Operating Expenses

Gross Operating Income

These shall be formatted like IS; and corresponding abstract, CDB, CRB shall be made.

3. Cash flow statement:

Beginning balance

Add:   Cash receipts (from sales)

          Collection from AR

Total Collections

Less:  Expenses:



Payment of caskets

1.  Wages and salaries

2.  Rental

3. Utilities

4.  Oil and gasoline

5. Repairs and maintenance

Total expenses:

Surplus Deficit

Ending balance

Jorge  S

The Holy Gardens Group - "THE MEMORIAL EXPERTS"

Please reply.    CCD 2.27

1 comment:

  1. We will study and practice the use of charts of accounts stated above, Sir. It will be useful on our record keeping and liquidation of expenses.

    Rocel CariƱo


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