January 13, 2015

Improvement on our faithfulness to Corporate Vision, Mission, Beliefs and Principles

Goal:    1.  To be the best, to do the best, and be best always
             2.  Continuous learning and improvement


      This office does numerous posts and emails the same to offices to improve our staff, our customer service, and performance of our duties;   however, I observed:

1.  That posts are not being read, most of them are zero;

2.  Interviewed several people/staff and was extremely disappointed on the posts made;   they were not read, nor was there even an initial understanding:

     1.  Beliefs and principles:   two new trainees were not able to answer well;

     2.  Controllers were not able to answer:

         Installment sale, cash sale and other chart of accounts item for memorial park;

        IMP chart of accounts/accounting


1.  Let us change our reading habits of emails and website of Holy Gardens Community

2.  Let us quickly RRURAC the following posts:

      1.   CMS

      2.  Tarps for karuwahe

      8.  CMS

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER;  WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE WE WILL BE MEDIOCRE AND 4TH RATE COMPANY.   We are in the internet age, and we have provided the tools/resources for learning.  Unfortunately, our mindset, and complacency prevent us from learning and being successful.  

WE ARE HERE TO LEARN AND SUCCEED.  There are no other options.

This office will call again and the offenders (those who do not read and understand (RRURAC) shall be disciplined accordingly
Jorge  S

The Holy Gardens Group - "THE MEMORIAL EXPERTS"

Please reply.    CCD 2.27

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE/disclaimer:   The information contained herein is strictly confidential in nature and is the property of Holy Gardens Group and intended only for the intended recipient and its  reuse,reprinting or taking action other than the intended party is strictly prohibited. Holy Gardens assume no responsibility liability arising from such unauthorized use.

RRURAC:    Read, Respond, Understand, Reflect, Apply and Check



  1. Yes sir. We will change our habits, by reading emails & website.


  2. Always be a customers service at all time, improve our strategies to make our customers satisfied, don’t compromise to the customers if you will not surely do it. Serve them properly and explain well about the necessary things that's why they understand to avoid complain.

    Annaliza CSS1-HGPMP

  3. I strongly believe that more reading will enhance your knowledge and creativity. It will boost your out of box thinking skills thus helping you in one way or other. I will change my reading habits, I will read the blog and comment as well. for my daily learning.. :)



  4. I admit, because of our busy routine in our work and daily routine we seldom forget the main value proposition of our company and its meaning,We must find time to exert effort in our daily learnings in life such us reading blogs and what's happening and its core values.
    The most important factor that will contribute to our corporate success is our faithful adherence to certain articulated and communicated beliefs. These beliefs represent fundamental socio-economic purpose, hold the organization together and give it direction. They form the foundation and framework for determining company objectives and plans.
    Adherence to our beliefs is the ultimate yardstick by which the leadership will judge by employees, shareholders, customers, regulators and the public at large.

    Angelica A. Baylon


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

4. signify that you have read by putting your name on this comment box. Every staff must: post the name on this comment box, or like, agree/will do. Your registering on this comment box is being graded under communication. Observe RRURAC: Read, Reflect, Understand, Realize (apply to reality) Apply, and Check (if it works)
You need to make __comments a month to qualify for promotion under our CCD

Read the posts on this site every AM talk. Many problems arise simply because people do not know what to do, because they did not read this site

We are making sure that you improve yourself, engage yourself in self improvement through this site...

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