September 12, 2014

Excerpts of 10 Successful Selling


Here are tips for successful selling from Mark Hunter:

Be a successful seller.  Sell more.

Here are the 10 best tips for successful selling.
I based these tips on my 30+ years of selling and working with hundreds of organizations and thousands of salespeople.
In the end, it comes down to these 10:
1. Be consistent.
Nothing will create more success than consistently taking one step forward each day.   Schedule time on a regular basis to prospect. Don’t prospect only when you have time or business is bad.  Keeping the pipeline full requires daily attention.
2. Follow-up quickly.
More sales are lost due to salespeople failing to follow up than probably any another single thing.   Fast follow-up is essential at every phase of the selling process from prospecting to closing the sale.
3. Uncover the outcomes the customer wants.
It’s not about your product features. It’s about what the customer needs to succeed.  The sooner you can get the customer to share with you what outcomes they desire, the sooner you can make that the focus of how you can help them.
4. Use voicemail prudently.
This means messages that don’t go longer than 14 seconds.  Be brief, be confident, and most of all, make the message about them, not you.  For more great information on this, check out 5 Stupid Voicemail Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.
5. Believe in yourself.
If you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect anyone else to believe in you.  The rule still applies — people buy the salesperson first and the product/service second.
6. State your price with confidence.
More discounts are given away because the salesperson doesn’t believe in their own price than due to the demands of the customer.   When giving your price, make sure you have solid body language, a strong voice and good eye contact, and you then must remain silent.
7. Know how to use your own time.
The most valuable asset you have as a salesperson is not what you sell; it’s your own time.  Far too much time is wasted preparing to sell, thinking about selling, getting ready to sell, etc.   You have one objective — spend as much of your time in direct contact with customers as possible.
8. Don’t spend time with people who aren’t motivated buyers.
It might be a prospect who is nothing more than a suspect or someone who is merely easy to talk to, but the issue is the same — wasted effort.   The sooner you qualify the person you’re speaking to, the better off both you and other person will be.
9. Accept full responsibility. Never make excuses.
If you want to make excuses, that’s fine, but while you’re at it, go ahead and make another excuse as to why you’re not successful as a salesperson.
10.  Be goal driven and personally motivated.
Don’t wait for others to motivate you. They can’t.  Only you can motivate yourself, and one of the easiest ways is by setting goals you know you can achieve and allowing your success to propel you to more success.
Choose today to strengthen your selling skills with these tips. In all my years of selling, these are the 10 tips I return to again and again.  


  1. Thank you for sharing this post Sir! It is very motivating and helpful on our part as marketing officers.

    Rocel CariƱo

  2. Thank you for sharing this post Sir! This 10 best tips for successful selling by Mark Hunter helps a lot for our sales every month. I learned a lot to this, when it comes for business, sales and encountering our customers.

    Aisle H. Artajos

  3. This will help us to motivate and inspire us to sell more. Thanks for sharing this post.


  4. Thank you Sir for sharing this post to us. These are not just tips, but tools to help us to go into the business with a plan in place to be successful. Learning about the pace of the business, the costs of doing business, and getting to the right prospects.

    Joy Casi

  5. Thank you Sir for this very helpful tips for us,to be even more effective in selling .

    Rachel Ann Audar

  6. Selling is the lifeblood of every business. Therefore, as Marketing Officers these tips were very important to master inorder to be successful in selling. This will be a great help for us to boost our sales performance.

    April Lyn Caragayan


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