February 28, 2014

[HOLY GARDENS MEMORIAL PARK group] Back Filling at Garden Estate Area Day 2 February 27,2014 at Holy Gardens Calapan Memorial Park


Day 2 - 28 Truck Loads

Do You Dread Sales Meetings?

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Want Sales Meetings that Actually Lead to Results?

I hear from a lot of sales managers and salespeople who are frustrated with how unproductive sales meetings are.   The good news is there are specific things managers can do that lead to better meetings.
NewVoiceMedia and I are offering a free webinar on this topic.
5 Powerful Strategies to Results Driven Sales Meetings
Tuesday, March 4
3 pm Eastern
Even if you can't make it at that time, you will still receive a recording of the webinar.  Simply sign up at the below link:

Yes! I Want to Know More About this Webinar! 

The Sales Hunter
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The Sales Hunter / MJH & Associates 15633 Underwood Omaha, Nebraska 68118 United States (402) 445-2110

11 things great leaders do.


From Sales Hunter 11 things great leaders do?

What is holding back organization:   lack of leadership.  What the the 11 things that great leaders do that some manager merely talk about or dream about.

1.   Leaders realize that to be successful, you have to create successors -  other leaders.

2.   It is not what they do that matters, but what their people do;

3.  Its not what people do when he is present, but when he is absent;

4.  His job is focused on people not processes;

5.  His leadership depend on his ability to listen; 

11 Things Great Leaders Do

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Your Weekly Sales Tip
February 26, 2014
11 Things Great Leaders Do that Managers Only Think About
The biggest thing holding back organizations is the lack of leadership.
I'm continually asked by companies large and small, "What are the traits that make a great leader?"
To find out my list of 11 things great leaders do that managers only think about, go to my Sales Motivation Blog.
High-Profit Selling!  Let Me Give You Some SPECIFIC Tips...
Last week I shared the video of me interviewing David Newman, who wrote the book "Do It! Marketing."
This week I want to share a video of David interviewing me about my book, High-Profit Selling.   This video is a great opportunity for you to hear me share some of the specific tips I share in the book.
If you want to achieve greater success, you have to understand the techniques that lead to higher profits.
Blog posts you may have missed...
The Sales Hunter
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
The Sales Hunter / MJH & Associates 15633 Underwood Omaha, Nebraska 68118 United States (402) 445-2110

Interment documents/ Concern/caring/commitment


Please enforce quality and complete documentation of interments.  I saw a lot of things that were not in order for the latest reimbursement for interment in Calapan:

1.  No interment checklist

2. Many blanks for the interment authorization.  It is a must that we fill in all the blanks

I am calling the attention of Mildred.

I am looking for concern/commitment/caring among the staff of Calapan.
Jorge US
Holy Gardens Group

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RRURAC:    Read, Respond, Understand, Reflect, Apply and Check


Backfilling at Holy Gardens Calapan


Getting higher and stronger

At Garden Estate Area 

Ms. Mildred receiving the truck load Delivery Receipt with Martinez's personnel

February 25, 2014


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9 corrosive behavior of colleagues that must be stopped if we are to move forward

This office is resending, for further intensive reading and discussion this article which was earlier posted on the blog (but not read well).'
For Reflection:

Dealing with difficult co workers/employees

Some employees whom you have helped, are not helping you at all to solve the team problems.  They add more problems and destroy/corrode the organization.  Watch out for them and get them off the bus.  Lack of gratitude can make them unhappy forever, no matter what.  They are the poor people who will not find anything from your benovolence or the good they get from your employment.  Find out who they are before they destroy you.

Some truly corrosive activities:

1.  That is not my job (dinatnan ko na iyan)

2. They gossip (in the office and at facebook) and with people who are no longer connected with the company

3.  They think their experience (which are outmoded) is a resource

4.  They use peer pressure to bully others to disobey policies

5.  They have a meeting after the meeting (I know of one guy who does this so often;  who does not have balls to speak in the meeting but to hide behind the skirts of others)

6.  They throw others under the bus.

7.  They grab glory (even when they are gone or even if all that they did) resulted in nothing.

8.  They engage in politics (balimbing;) and in the end gets nothing gets done.

9.  They think they are great with yesteryears achievement.  They bask in those were the days. We are only as good as yesterdays achievement


Oddly enough, it isn't the truly terrible employees who cause the real problems.
Some people obviously deserve to be fired: Whether clearly incompetent or unbelievably lazy, they're easy to spot. So although it is definitely painful, you can quickly let them go and move on.
The real problem is the employee who appears to be doing a satisfactory job but meanwhile acts as what a friend called an "insidious cancer" and slowly destroys other people's performance, attitude, and morale--and with it, your business.
Here are eight qualities of employees you absolutely must address--or, worst case, cause you to let that employee go:

1. They say, "That's not my job."

The smaller the company, the more important it is that employees can think on their feet, adapt quickly to shifting priorities, and do whatever it takes, regardless of role or position, to get things done. Even if that means a manager has to help load a truck or a machinist needs to clean up a solvent spill; or the accounting staff needs to hit the shop floor to help complete a rush order; or a CEO needs to man a customer service line during a product crisis. You get the idea.
Any task an employee is asked to do--as long as it isn't unethical, immoral, or illegal, and as long as it's a task "below" his or her current position--is a task an employee should be willing to do. (Great employees notice problems and jump in without being asked.) Saying, "It's not my job," says, "I care only about me." That attitude quickly destroys performance, because it turns a cohesive team into a dysfunctional group of individuals.

2. They think they've paid their dues.

You did great things last year, last month, or even yesterday. We're appreciative. We're grateful. Unfortunately, today is a new day. Dues aren't paid. Dues get paid. The only real measure of any employee's value is the tangible contribution he or she makes--daily.
Saying, "I've paid my dues" is like saying, "I no longer need to work hard." And suddenly, before you know it, other employees start to feel they've earned the right to coast, too.

3. They think experience is a tangible commodity.

Experience is definitely important, but experience that doesn't translate into better skills, better performance, and greater achievement is worthless. Experience that just "is" is a waste. (Example: a colleague once said to us younger supervisors, "My role is to be a resource." Great, but then he sat in his office all day waiting for us to come by so he could cast his pearls of wisdom. Of course, none of us did--we were all busy thinking, I respect your experience, but I wish your role was to do your job.)
How many years you've put in pales in comparison with how many things you've done.
Saying, "I have more experience" is like saying, "I don't need to justify my decisions or actions." Experience (or position) should never win an argument. Wisdom, logic, and judgment should win--in whomever those qualities may be found.

4. They lead the meeting after the meeting.

You have a meeting. Issues are raised. Concerns are shared. Decisions are made. All in attendance fully support those decisions. Things are going to happen. Then someone holds the "meeting after the meeting." Now he or she talks about issues he or she didn't share earlier with the group. Now he or she disagrees with the decisions made.
And these people even say to their teams, "Look, I think this is a terrible idea, but we've been told to do it...so let's at least give it a shot." And now, what was going to happen never will. Waiting until after a meeting to say, "I'm not going to support that" is like saying, "I'll agree to anything, but that doesn't mean I'll actually do it. I'll even work against it."
Those people need to work somewhere else.

5. They revel in gossip.

Before a meeting, we were talking about supervisors in another department when our new boss looked up and said, "Stop. From now on we will never say anything bad about anyone unless they are actually in the room. Period."
Until then, I never thought of gossip as a part of a company's culture--gossip just was. We all did it. And it sucked--especially because being the focus of gossip sucked. (And in time I realized people who gossip suck, too.)
If an employee has talked to more than one person about something Martha is doing, wouldn't everyone be better off if he stepped up and actually talked to Martha about it? And if it's "not his place" to talk to Martha, it's definitely not his place to talk about Martha.
Saying, "Did you hear what he did?" is like saying, "I have nothing better to do than talk about other people." Not only do employees who create a culture of gossip waste time better spent on productive conversations, but they cause other people to respect their co-workers a little less--and anything that diminishes the dignity or respect of any employee should never be tolerated.

6. They use peer pressure to hold others back.

The new woman works hard. She works long. She's hitting targets and exceeding expectations. She rocks. And she eventually hears, from a more "experienced" employee, "You're working too hard, and you're making the rest of us look bad."
Where comparisons are concerned, a great employee doesn't compare herself with others--she compares herself to herself. She wants to "win" that comparison by improving and doing better today than she did yesterday.
Poor employees don't want to do more; they want others to do less. They don't want to "win." They just want others to make sure they don't lose.
Saying, "You're working too hard" is like saying, "No one should work hard, because I don't want to work hard." And pretty soon very few people do--and the ones who keep trying get shunned for a quality you need every employee to possess.

7. They rush to grab the glory...

OK, maybe he did do nearly all the work. Maybe he did overcome almost every obstacle. Maybe, without him, that high-performance team would have been anything but.
But probably not. Nothing important is ever accomplished alone...even if some people love to act like it.
A good employee and good team player shares the glory. He credits others. He praises. He appreciates. He lets others shine. That's especially true for an employee in a leadership position--he celebrates the accomplishments of others secure in the knowledge that their success reflects well on him, too.
Saying, "I did all the work" or, "It was all my idea" is like saying, "The world revolves around me...and I need everyone to know it." And even if other people don't adopt the same philosophy, they resent having to fight for recognition that is rightfully theirs.

8. .... And they rush to throw others under the bus.

A vendor complains. A customer feels shortchanged. A co-worker gets mad. No matter what has happened, it's someone else's fault.
Sometimes, whatever the issue and regardless of who is actually at fault, some people step in and take the hit. They willingly accept the criticism or abuse, because they know they can handle it (and they know that maybe the person actually at fault cannot).
Few acts are more selfless than taking the undeserved hit. And few acts better cement a relationship. Few acts are more selfish than saying, "It wasn't me..." especially when, at least in part, it was.
Saying, "You'll have to talk to Martha" is like saying, "We're not all in this together." At the best companies, everyone is in it together.

Jorge US
Holy Gardens Group

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE/disclaimer:   The information contained herein is strictly confidential in nature and is the property of Holy Gardens Group and intended only for the intended recipient and its  retransmittal , reuse,reprinting or taking action other than the intended party is strictly prohibited. Holy Gardens assume no responsibility liability arising from such unauthorized use.

RRURAC:    Read, Respond, Understand, Reflect, Apply and Check


Cancellation of OT authorization for today February 25, 2014


TO         :   All SBUs

Subject  :   Recall of OT authorization for today.

It was announced over the radio that only schools are on holiday, today being a special holiday.

We reviewed the proclamation No 655, the basis of the said OT authorization, and indeed it is a special holiday intended for school only.  That it was a holiday is not specified or that 15% OT rate is inaccurate, and is not factual/evidenced based. 

It is strongly suggested that we are accurate with the data supplied to this office/3ffb And that 3ffb is careful in making this office signs office orders signed on erroneous information

Please be properly warned.

From PhilNews - February 25 is not a holiday

Filipino scribe

Part of the news:

February 25, EDSA Holiday 2014 Pay Rules

by Ed Umbao on February 24, 2014
in News
The Philippines will be celebrating the 28th anniversary of the world-renowned 1986 People Power Revolution on February 25, 2014. The EDSA Holiday for the year 2014 is a special holiday for schools only.
The February 25 EDSA Holiday is NOT a special non-working holiday, based upon Proclamation 655, for private establishments, the EDSA Holiday is an ordinary work day and no premium is required to be paid for work on the said day.
- See more at: http://philnews.ph/2014/02/24/february-25-edsa-holiday-2014-pay-rules/#sthash.uBeUwBYE.dpuf

Rules for schools who have work: (we are not a school are we?)

Here’s the Pay Rules for those who are working in Private & Public Schools:
  • If the employee did not work, the “no work, no pay” principle shall apply, unless there is a favorable company policy, practice, or collective bargaining agreement (CBA) granting payment on a special day.
  • If the employee worked, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her daily rate on the first eight hours of work. Computation: [(Daily rate x 130%) + COLA).
  • If the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day. Computation: (Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked).
  • If the employee worked during a special day that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional fifty percent of his/her daily rate on the first eight hours of work. Computation: [(Daily rate x 150%) + COLA].
  • If the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work) during a special day that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his/her hourly rate on said day. Computation: (Hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 150% x 130% x number of hours worked).
- See more at: http://philnews.ph/2014/02/24/february-25-edsa-holiday-2014-pay-rules/#sthash.uBeUwBYE.dpuf


 Keep in mind that February 25, 2014 is NOT a special non-working holiday. According to Proclamation 655, February 25 is a special holiday but for schools only. As someone who’s currently working for a school, this is good news for me. :p

Jorge US
Holy Gardens Group

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE/disclaimer:   The information contained herein is strictly confidential in nature and is the property of Holy Gardens Group and intended only for the intended recipient and its  retransmittal , reuse,reprinting or taking action other than the intended party is strictly prohibited. Holy Gardens assume no responsibility liability arising from such unauthorized use.

RRURAC:    Read, Respond, Understand, Reflect, Apply and Check


February 24, 2014

Our planned bundles for the rest of the year.

In addition to our bundle offering, we will have in store for the following:

2nd quarter:  

For every one:    BC, SIP, direct crem + urn

3rd quarter:

1.  Bone transfer + ETE Btr (at need)

2.  Niche + niche construction (at need)

4th Quarter:

GE and JE + Mausoleum construction

Jorge US
Holy Gardens Group

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE/disclaimer:   The information contained herein is strictly confidential in nature and is the property of Holy Gardens Group and intended only for the intended recipient and its  retransmittal , reuse,reprinting or taking action other than the intended party is strictly prohibited. Holy Gardens assume no responsibility liability arising from such unauthorized use.

RRURAC:    Read, Respond, Understand, Reflect, Apply and Check


Incentives for posting at FOFF and griefshare


February 24, 2014

To    :  Cynthia

Subject:    Incentives for posting at Griefshare, FOFF  list of qualified point system

Kindly have the following done:

1.  Incentives from FOFF and Griefshare, tributes:

     1.  Kindly examine the posting and list down who are qualified.  From this end I have seen that the links are missing/not made.  We should be able to give the awards fast.

     2.  If they do not comply, kindly have them summarize by hand the memorandum on such incentives.

     3.  List of tributes that are qualified for payment

Our problem in payment is lack of supporting documents.  We do not have proofs and request for payment.

2.   List of agents staff qualified for point system;  how many made it to P50.00 per point, to the P25.00 per point.  How many points?

Jorge US
Holy Gardens Group

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE/disclaimer:   The information contained herein is strictly confidential in nature and is the property of Holy Gardens Group and intended only for the intended recipient and its  retransmittal , reuse,reprinting or taking action other than the intended party is strictly prohibited. Holy Gardens assume no responsibility liability arising from such unauthorized use.

RRURAC:    Read, Respond, Understand, Reflect, Apply and Check


Sunday Stills: Signals From Djibouti - photo tips from Nat Geo

Watch: Mesmerizing "Stormscapes" Dominate Skies View the email on a web browser.

Sunday Stills
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Signals From Djibouti
Photographer John Stanmeyer on “Signals,” named the 2013 World Press Photo of the Year:

“Speaking to many of them, the stories were always the same: the desire to reconnect to family, asking for remittance or updates on emigration papers from family living in Europe. Not all attempts to catch the signal were fulfilled. Some would stand in one place for 20 to 30 minutes, waiting for their phone to grab the faint signal that never appeared, only to return another evening to try once more.”

Photographer Adrienne Grunwald
on Her Artifacts
“When I left for Brazil in 2010, I packed up my studio apartment and put all of the seemingly unnecessary possessions from my previous life in boxes. Four years later, I have yet to open most of those boxes and am not sure that I ever will. This collection of artifacts [includes] some of the things that I have kept close. In a way, what I have collected are small clues to my history, a narrative toward the future I intend to live, and some reminders of the lessons that I have learned along the way.”

Capturing Nostalgia
PHOTOGRAPH BY Margherita Vitagliano
Margherita Vitagliano works with her subjects to find a photo of them when they were young. “I relate the memories that the photos arouse in them, the music, smells, and flavors of those special moments, and when I [have them] close their eyes, it is they who are reliving that past. When I have them open them, it is as a spectator looking into their eyes that I can feel on my skin what they have heard with their eyes closed.”

This passion for portraits and old photos had very personal origins. “The first photograph that meant something to me was of the hands of my grandmother holding an old photo. All of it happened one afternoon when I looked at old photographs in black and white, found in an attic in a box,” Vitagliano reminisces.

Aaron Huey Remembers a
Folk Art Visionary
Photographer Aaron Huey on Leonard Knight:

“This week America lost one of its greatest living folk artists, a man who I had photographed many times, a man who had become my friend. His name was Leonard Knight, and he was the artist who built the monumental work known as Salvation Mountain.

“Leonard was one of those men who was so singular of vision that from a distance some would bush it off as crazy. But it didn’t take much to realize what Leonard was. Just a conversation and you would know—this man was a saint, an American sadhu in the desert of southern California. The mountain was his living daily meditation.”

‘There’s a lot of complexity to be
had in a fish.’
Adam Summers, a professor and associate director at the Friday Harbor Labs at the University of Washington, has been taking überintricate photographs of fish for about 18 years to help him in his biomechanics research.

“I suspect that part of what makes these fetching is that there’s an almost unlimited level of detail,” said Summers, who was also a science consultant for the movie Finding Nemo. “The images allow you to look really, really, really closely, but they also allow you to step back and sort of appreciate a large form. To get to that level of fractal detail is somehow viscerally appealing to people.”

CORRECTION: In Issue 10 of Sunday Stills, Felix Baumgartner’s coach and mentor was misidentified as Joe Kissinger. His name is Joe Kittinger.
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