September 13, 2011

Some Comments and Some Actions to be Done esp on Marketing Plans and FOFF

Constant & close communication. 5 disciplines: mental models, personal mastery, systemic thinking, shared vision, team learning.
TO      :  MGB, cmo, acmo.
On Marketing Plans:

l.  They need improvement:  analysis portion in reality must be upgraded:  what is the competitor doing, how many people are dying?  What will you improve on your:  product?  service level?  procedure?  selling tactics and activities:   how many will you textblast?  what telco?  what messages? I discussed  with Ms. Edith Saato my comments;  please converse with her, change your marketing plan and resubmit asap.

2.  RE FOFF:

I am saddended that we have very poor response for FOFF.

Please answer the following questions:

l.  What is the real logic behind the FOFF?

2.  Where do you get information for the dead in your locality firshand?

3.  How does FOFF enhance the rest of your marketing activities?


Effective immediately, all CMO, Acmo are enjoined to: 

      l.  Obtain the list of the dead in their locality/catchment areas;  go find your link;

      2. Get the following data:

          Name/Age/ Residence/  Place of Wake/ Where and When to be Interred.@sbu

     3.  Forward data to MGB,  MGB posts it at Holygardens memorials.  The posting shall be per/sbu per page unless the  l0 items were obtained in which case the obituary shall be posted.

This is to be done on a daily basis.  It is hoped that this project will bring us closer to PTM, and increase prospecting and sales.

For compliancel

Are we close? Strictly acknowledge reading and understanding by promptly making a comment..comply.


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  2. 1. Marketing Plan Improvement:
    Goal: To increase area of new saleable area and nice and clean appearance;

    Reality: Competitor is fully develop, the reason some at-need prospects go to them because the interment is permanent;

    Option:Develop the new saleable area (Niche 1 and Lawn 3) to be in the competition; Improve interment service, delivery of documents and after sales service or hello service;
    Selling Tactics: Visit wake of the dead people during night time for prospecting, leafletting and distribution of promo items and playing cards; Make contacts with hospital staff to keep you updated on the person dying. It must be a person to person communication to create customer bonding.

    What to do next: Participate in the telecon, take note of the important details. Submit the marketing plan and do it as soon as it was approved.


    Goal: To generate prospect
    Reality: Hindi nakakabenta, walang lumalapit to avail FOFF; Out of 5 deaths, only 1% go to HGCMP mostly those who avail the lot is pre-need; Sometimes, wala pa dahil napupunta sa public cemetery

    Option: Increase link in Hospital staffs in the locality and Funeral Parlors and Municipal Health Office and Civil Registrar and recruit them as agent if possible.

    What to do next: Do it NOW! Go and communicate with hospital staffs, funeral parlors and civil registrar armed with promo items, flyers/leaflets, calling cards and don't leave there unless you have gather what you need (Basic information of the contact person, information of the dead person, list of the dead for the day, and names of prospects)

    1. What is the real logic behind FOFF? To generate prospect and to create bonding with our partners (Agents/Contact persons in Hospitals, funeral parlors and civil registrar);
    2. Firsthand information can be acquire from hospital staff, municipal health office, funeral parlors and civil registrar's office;
    3. FOFF enhance the rest of our marketing activities by getting them as agent or a contact person wherein we can give them commission and referral fee.

    3. By 12 noon we will be able to get the list of dead person in the municipality with the following data: Name, Age, residence, Place of wake, where and when to be interred and be able to submit it to MGB.

    4. It will be done on a daily basis, by daily texting/calling to the contact persons.

    Aireen S. Ricamara

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  4. To: Sir Jorge
    From: Melanie G. Bautista
    Subject:Actions on Marketing Plans and FOFF

    1. Just conducted telecon to ACMO/CMO at 9:am, and discussed the needed improvements and revision to be done. Revised Marketing plan will be submitted on Sept 16,2011 (Friday)

    2. What is the logic behind the FOFF
    - to generate more leads and prospects that will increase our sales.

    Where do you get information for the dead in your locality?
    - civil registrar, hospitals, municipal health office.

    How does FOFF enhance the rest of your marketing activities?

    It will enhance the marketing activities through the following:

    1. Putting FOFF stickers in our link (hospitals, municipal health office, registrar office, church)
    2. Giving calling cards and flyers in hospitals,registrar office,municipal health and recruitment as agent of security guards, hospital aid and even doctors.We need to develop good relationship to them visits them twice a week, give them token (load or gift) aside from thier commission.
    3. After getting the list of a dead in our locality including the information we can identify now our market share ( sino ililibing sa atin) with the list na hawak natin start tayo magconduct ng marketing activities through:
    a. Pagpunta ng mga marketing during lamay or sa araw pero mas maganda sa lamay. Magdala ng calling cards,leaflets at tokens (ballpen) para ipamimigay (parang pulitiko)
    b. Iaalok ang FOFF

  5. Actions:

    1. After the telecon with CMOs and MGB,revised marketing plan will be submitted on Sept. 16, 2011.

    2. FOFF

    Logic behind the FOFF is to increase number of prospects and eventually convert those prospects into sales (inbound marketing) at least 10 units per month.

    We can get first hand information for the dead from:
    a. Hospital staff/attendant - post stickers near the hospital area; give calling card for the hospital attendants.
    b. Municipal Health Office and Civil Registrar Office - give at least P 100.00 load to MHO staff or CRO staff to text us about the deceased information.
    c. Funeral parlors
    d. Police station - those who record accidents which resulted to death.

    Thanks and regards,

    edith ^__^

  6. 1. Mktng Plans -Yes sir, we will revise and improve the marketing plans the soonest possible. We will have comparison and competitors analysis. Reality must be inline with the WTDN.

    2. FOFF :

    1. Real logic of FOFF - To generate more prospects

    2. We will obtain the list of deceased in our City by having contact in the hospitals, City Health Office and Civil Registry.

    3. FOFF enhance Marketing by:
    Encouraging hospital staffs and funerals to be our contact agents.
    Giving away FOFF stickers and calling cards to contact persons. So that they can contact us easily and in return we will be giving them gifts/tokens or cp loads monthly.

    Brenn Garcia

  7. 1. Marketing Plan- yes sir I will revise the marketing plan and email it by September 16, 2011.The what to do next should answer the reality.

    2. FOFF-the logic behind FOFF is to generate more leads and prospects that will eventually increase our sales.
    We can get information about the deceased by:
    1. Having contacts at hospitals (those who are in charge on dead persons), or posting of FOFF stickers to areas near hospitals.
    2. Giving calling cards to hospital attendants so that they could text the information.
    3. Also coordinate to Municipal Health Office or City Registrar to give the list of dead persons. Give also calling cards for them to text the information needed.
    4. To further motivate them to participate with us, we can offer them a referral fee let's say give them Php100.00.
    5. Pagpunta sa mga lamay sa gabiat pwede magbigay ng mga playing cards.
    6. Pagdalaw sa mga patay na madadaanan during collecction or marketing.

    Jobyl Marie T. Villanueva

  8. Please understand quickly and well our write ups and implement quickly. Shall we have death notices per sbu today? Will there be visits to lamay tonight? Tomorrow?



  9. Please understand quickly and well our write ups and implement quickly. Shall we have death notices per sbu today? Will there be visits to lamay tonight? Tomorrow?




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