September 14, 2011

Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd

Constant & close communication. 5 disciplines: mental models, personal mastery, systemic thinking, shared vision, team learning.

Psalm 23:1-6

1 The Lord is my shepherd;

I have all that I need.

2 He lets me rest in green meadows;

he leads me beside peaceful streams.

3 He renews my strength.

He guides me along right paths,

bringing honor to his name.

4 Even when I walk

through the darkest valley,

I will not be afraid,

for you are close beside me.

Your rod and your staff

protect and comfort me.

5 You prepare a feast for me

in the presence of my enemies.

You honor me by anointing my head with oil.

My cup overflows with blessings.

6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me

all the days of my life,

and I will live in the house of the Lord


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  1. This is my favorite bible verse - Psalm 23: That Lord is my guide, He provides me all that I need.

    I should also be a shepherd to my co-employees. As an ACMO, I will be their guide, to motivate them and to develop a self-inspired behaviour. To enlighten them and explain to them that they are part of the company.

    In that case, blessings (increase sales, collection) will overflow with us. And God's googness and unfailing love will pursue me to do good and be a blessing to others. That I may live in the house of the Lord forever.


  2. Psalm 23: The Lord is my guide, He provides me all that I need. If you have faith on Him everything you pray for will happen but that not only on faith you have to do things that will receive all the things you pray for. Like they always say "doing the Lords work" your here in earth do things which is created by Him.

    Jo-ann T. Flores
    CCRM - Bereavement Providers Inc


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

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