I said we, because our 3ffb staff were deployed to various sbu for two days:
Edith Saato -- HGGMP
Marneth and Charlene - Pangasinan
Joan and Rhea - La Union
They were given various mission orders. But the objectives were to to know communicate, motivate and influence the sbus
Surprisingly, when we went to the bus stations last night, contrary to the evening news, there were plenty of buses and few passengers. Marneth and Charelene left at 7 pm Angono and were at the bus station by 9 pm; they arrived at Pangasinan about 2:00 am. Joan and Rhea left 9 pm were in Cubao by l0:30, and left Cubao by ll30 for La Union. We arrived in La Union by 5 am.
l. Checklist for Nov. l status and accomplishment;
2. Oct and Nov. l sales
3. Linking in MVP, VMBP, adspeak and manageable execution
4. Bible quotes and our daily jobs/task:
l. The parable of the talents;
2, The Roman centurion
3. 2 Corinthians Chap 9 verses 6-8
4. Psalm l03
How the meeting went:
l. At La Union Leslie was late, 3/6 did not wear their id;
2, Jobyl reported that they were up to date with their preparation. The author noted that food prepared may be inadequate.
3. There was lot of deficiency with regards to 3 and 4. A lot of time was spent explaining because these were not well understood and explained despite frequent telecon.
Site inspection:
It was bad (both for La Union and Pangasinan)
Both Sbus were advised to correct the same before sundown
What do you notice from these pictures? What need ti be corrected?
Do they jibe with text reports?
Did the tall grasses grow overnight?
How come they were not noticed?
Are they in synch with our MVP?
Are these the things we should be proud of on Nov l.? The last pix is outside the office
What should be our new procedures?
What should the system be to avoid this to be repeated?
How should our managers behave next time starting today? Tomorrow? How about our Garden technicians?
Strictly acknowledge reading and understanding by promptly making a comment..comply.