August 10, 2011

Our response on communication reflects our Performance

The way we responded to simple communication reflects our performance on our job. First, I wanted to commend HGPMP staff, through the leadership and collaborative effort of Ms. Brendalyn Garcia and Ms. Melanie Bautista for their prompt comments and reflection on the articles and memos that are posted in this blog.  All communications that have been sent to them were promptly responded.  The HGPMP's eagerness to comply in all types of communications reflects their attitude on being on time hence they were always on top of their performance.  It also shows that they have proper time management of their activities and know how to balance them.  I am looking forward for the other SBU to move FASTER, QUICKER and BE ON TIME all the time for us to meet our objectives.

Holy Gardens Memorial Park Group Customer Service, Excellence,Learning, Flexibility and Adaptability for all HELPING IN THE GRIEF OF MANY PEOPLE


  1. Thank you for the acknowledgment sir. We’ll continue to post our comments the faster the better.
    We’ll inspire others to post their comments too. This our chance to improve our grammar and use correct English =)
    It is more about commitment, obedience and reverence to the administrator of this blog site.

    Brenn Garcia

  2. Not just communicate but how to be responsible to response in touched someone, to be able to have a great communication. And to be aware of things in what not yet already know.

    If we have a great communication, we have a great reflect/impact and great performance in our daily life.

    AR-CAF ^_^


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

4. signify that you have read by putting your name on this comment box. Every staff must: post the name on this comment box, or like, agree/will do. Your registering on this comment box is being graded under communication. Observe RRURAC: Read, Reflect, Understand, Realize (apply to reality) Apply, and Check (if it works)
You need to make __comments a month to qualify for promotion under our CCD

Read the posts on this site every AM talk. Many problems arise simply because people do not know what to do, because they did not read this site

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