August 08, 2011

Sales sales sales

Holy Gardens Memorial Park Group Customer Service, Excellence,Learning, Flexibility and Adaptability for all HELPING IN THE GRIEF OF MANY PEOPLE

TO       :  CMOs and all marketing staff
THRU  :  mgb

We had only 3 sales last week.

Your comment/action please


  1. WTDN:

    1. Exert more effort in prospecting.
    We will increase the no. of visitation and follow up.
    2. We will focus on leaf letting and giving away of tokens.
    3. I will be giving more time visiting agents.
    We will show some difference this week.

    Brenn Garcia

    1. Push a little more further to increase our prospects.
    2. Recruitment of agents. Focus more time in visitation of agents and prospects.
    3. More leafleting and saturation schedules.
    We will strive and work hard for this week to increase our sales.

    Jobyl Marie T. Villanueva

  3. 1. we will increase our prospects,visitation and follow up.
    2.leaf letting during interment
    3.announcing promos during interment.

    Css2 HGPMP

  4. WTDN:
    1. Exert more effort to increase our daily prospects, follow ups and visitations.
    2.Saturate leaflets during interments and during activities outside.
    3.Notify previous clients about new promos and ask for referrals.

    Christine Ann P. Payopay

  5. 1. increase our number of prospects by continuous follow up and visitation
    2. distribute leaflets during the interment
    3. saturation in every barangay

    Rocel Claribel CariƱo

  6. 1.Target for the goal, txt blast our promo.
    2. Post our promo in our facebook, twitter and other source of communication.
    3.Triple our number of prospects every day.
    4. Follow up our client, agents, co employee always.

    Grace Barrameda


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

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