January 09, 2013

17 Strategies For Opening (rather than closing) Sales

Let us have ears that can hear, minds that can understand, hearts that can feel, hands that can do...Let us read and understand these posts

This is an e book by John di Lemme of Lifestyle Freedom Club.  He has 17 strategies to close sale.  97% of the population do not know them and will hate us for sharing these with them.  You are reading this because:

        l.  You want to double your sales

        2.  You want to double your closing rate

        3.  You want to get your rewards.

I believe that when you read and master this, you can close any sale:  whether it is house, real estate, investment, insurance.   Goods and services will transfer ownership by the power of closing.  Do these and you will close more sales and earn more.  What are the strategies:

l.  Overcome fear of closing by developing yourself and building belief in yourself, product and teh business.  Show confidence.  If you can talk to God in your prayers, you can talk to anyone, and convince him/persuade him successfully to buy from you again and again.

2. Dress for success.  Dress sharply.  Invest in clothes to impress people.  Do not drink coffee or soda in meeting because they give you bad breath (avoid BB in the first place -  Use mouthwash have decayed tooth or swollen gums treated)

3.  Always be opening  (closing sales) a relationship.  Selling is a sports arena.  It is action.  Underpromise overdeliver.  Treat everyone:   prospects, co workers, customers as friend.

4. Be early.   -  not a minute late. Get used to being early so that you are not defensive in sales presentation.

5. Do not prejudge.  Make a sales presentation to rich or poor guy, handsome, pretty or not in exactly the same manner.  Give same opportunity for everyone to own your product.

6.  Grab a pen and paper you can write on.  When in war, have your sales kit, your ammunitions ready (also brochures, leaflets, and even web links for video presentation)

7.  Use visualization techniques to preview the documents that the customer will sign to close the sale.

8.  Be a sharpshooter rather than a shotgun shooter.  Focus on what the customer need;  not what you think he needs.

9.  Be on the offensive rather than defensive.  You are doing your prospect  a great favor by:   giving him the opportunity to own a great product or great promo price or discount.  You are not doing him a disfavor by visiting him.  Therefore, be confident of your profession and what you are doing. Be confident of the company, and the product and what it can do for the customer

10.  Closing words to use.  No ifs. <hypothetical or subjunctive mood words sentences> Say I believe.  Always be sure;  always be confident...

       Say:   let us recap, let us summarize. let us put it together.

11  The million dollar close.   "You are right about that"  When the customer mentions the thing he likes most about the product, it is your opportunity to close.  You can overcome the objection and the negatives.


1.  Opening

2.  Presentation

3.  "Ask question -  What do you like about the product?"

4.  Listen (and shut up)

5.  You are right about that

6.  Focus on the positive and product strength.

7.  Close the sale;  have the prospect sign on the dotted line.  Shake hands, ask for the payment, reservation and down payment.

12.  Listen (be silent) and shut up.  Multi tasking (looking at your iPad or texting) will make you fail.

14.  Follow up.  Do not pester the customer.  Keep him in the loop after initial presentation.  Inform him/her of new products or new promos.

15.  Bring follow up to the next level.  Send thank you and birthday greetings.

16.  Break records.  Earn more,  Increase your earnings, commission from sales.  Write a post dated check on when you will break you record.

 17 Stay committed.   The buyer you have will have increasing needs and will buy more from you if you stay in the field.  Appreciate the long term value of your customer by staying there.  Have the same phone number or email address.  Serve your customer sell to your customer again again and again.  Avoid doing something that you will later regret and alienate you to your customer


  1. One of the strategies that we already adapted is treating customers as if they are our friends. We call them Ma'am/Sir with a smile and share with them common interest. It is about winning friendship.
    We do not discriminate people. We do not choose our clients. We treat them fairly to own our product.
    We also dress for success. From Monday to Thursday old employees wear their uniform, new employees wear business attire. Every Friday, we wear casual attire or dress.
    We also make sure that we come on time in our office. Being early is a sign of having a self-discipline on time.
    We see to it that every inquiry, we see to it that we are ready with our marketing kit or tools upon presentation. When we entertain buyers, we focus on them and we ask immediately what they need. We offer the buyers the best promos and discounts for them as we want them to own our product. Once the buyer likes the product, it is our opportunity to close the sale.
    Focus on what customers say. Listen to him attentively.
    Follow up the customers and inform them regarding our latest promos and services. WE send them 1-2-3 greeting cards during special occasions.
    Keep on selling! Don't be contented to one buyer only. Sell... sell... sell..

    Holy Gardens La Union Memorial Park

  2. Thank you sir for sharing and summarizing the 17 strategies in prospecting. We will keep in mind and practice this strategies for us to increase the closing ratio, boost our sales per week and per month indeed we will be profitable this year 2013.

    Brenn Garcia

  3. Thank you for sharing this post Sir!
    It refreshes our minds on how to close a sale. Develop a harmonious relationship with our customers and gain their trust. It will be easier for us to sell to them if we are always there for them.

    Rocel Cariño


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