August 03, 2011

5 Dysfunctions of a Team

by  Patrick Lencioni  
For every Dysfunction, there is a Positive Function. Why dwell on negative.

Some gems:

"People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed."
Here’s a process for building healthy organizations:
  • Build and maintain a cohesive leadership team
  • Create organizational clarity
  • Over-communicate that clarity (you have to say something 7 times before employees believe it, because phrases like “the customer is our #1 priority” are so common).  If you’re a great leader, your employees should be able to do a great impression of you. Leaders should over communicate. Use different mediums. Often the leader worries that they are too redundant but they should not worry about that.
  • Reinforce clarity through human systems.  These systems need to institutionalize culture without bureaucratizing it. Sometimes a change of just one person can dramatically change the team dynamic.

    Some areas we can all develop:

    "People will walk through a fire for a leader who is truly vulnerable"

    Vulnerable means to show yourself to others completely and utterly without holding back for fear of rejection or judgment. It means to say “here I am, flesh and bones. Here are my strengths, here are my weaknesses, here is where I stand-take it or leave it”
Trusting the team:  Predictive trust (“I know what he’s going to do”) isn’t enough.  Teams need vulnerability-based trust (“I don’t know the answer…”).  Vulnerability-based trust allows human beings can be human beings.  It allows team members to stand in front of the group emotionally naked.  One person on a team who cannot be vulnerable will spread the attitude to the team. 
Managing younger people: They have high needs for understanding why their job matters.  They want to feel part of a team and they need trust.  It’s less about a “job and benefits” for them. 
Dealing with conflict: If you have a marriage where you don’t argue, you don’t have a good marriage.  Great relationships are built on the ability to disagree—even passionately.  Great teams debate things.  Conflict is almost always lacking.  Because CEOs don’t want people to get their feelings hurt.  The organization where people get their feelings hurt the most is church.  When you don’t have conflict around issues and ideas, it ferments into conflict around people. 
Addressing unpleasant behaviors:  Behaviors proceed results. Leaders must confront people about their behaviors.  You need to do this vulnerability, but failing to confront difficult issues is an act of selfishness.  

"I'd rather know someones Myers-Briggs type than their age or gender"

Believing that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time to identify the sort of war-time jobs where they would be "most comfortable and effective" rather than knowing their age or gender.

"Not holding people accountable for their behaviors is an act of selfishness"

"Behaviors precede results." Correct behaviors now, or face poor results later

The 5 Dysfunctions:

1 - Absense of Trust. So obviously, work to gain trust. Honesty, integrity and consistency are the key. Be willing to listen to other views (and be willing to change your own view if that is the right thing to do)

2 - Fear of Conflict. Passionate debate around an issue is a good thing. Conflict is a good thing. This ties to the first Dysfunction - you need trust to thrive with healthy conflict.

3 - Lack of Commitment. Healthy discussion (including conflict) builds buy in. Get everyone to weigh in. Consensus is a bad thing.

4 - Avoidance of Accountability. The team needs to hold themselves accountable. The leader need to hold people accountable ("the technical term for this is "don't be a wuss"")

5 - Inattention to Results. Leaders have to focus on the collective good. Stand up for what is right.

Holy Gardens Memorial Park Group Customer Service, Excellence,Learning, Flexibility and Adaptability for all "Helping in the Grief of Many People"


  1. Things Learned:
    1. Focus on positive while improving the negatives.
    2. Clarity of objectives.
    3. Communication - repeat your point 7 times.
    4.Follow through - constant reminder.
    5. Have commitment - be engaged; have a sense of ownership.

    In relation to my job:

    We should focus on our strength but be sure to improve our weakness. We are here to provide excellent service to our customers. Our standard should not be deteriorated. It should be improved. We should have sense of ownership and responsibility to start and finish everything on time.


    1. Focus on objectives, achieve it.
    2. Use different communication tool to clarify a point or topic like conference, email and SBU visit.
    3. Have a sense of ownership and accept responsibilities.

    Thank you.

    Editha G. Vital

  2. Team is a group of people with one goal. In achieving our goal we need to communicate to everyone involve. We always need to think as a team leader so that other members will take us seriously and believe in us. We take responsibility in everything we do. Give suggestions / opinions to let others know that you really are part of the team.

  3. In order to avoid the dysfunctions of a team of a certain companies are:

    1. Leaders should over communicate. - As AR it is necessary for me to over communicate to avoid problems that had happened (HGGMP case)

    2. People need to be told 7 times before they actually believe it. - I have to be persistent in checking, monitoring and balancing accounts.

    3. Use different media like emails, telephones or cell phones calls and personal meetings to avoid miscommunication. - I should maximize the media to follow-up all the SBU’s.
    4. Don’t worries if the leaders are too redundant. - It’s because reminding is better than to instruct.

    AR-CAF ^_^

  4. "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the two, the leader must become a servant and a debtor. That sums up the progress of an artful leader."

    . . .Communication is very essential when it comes to work, because it is the first process that we must do, we have to be expressive.

    . . .Our boss tends to correct our mistakes and we must be humble enough to accept those mistakes just like a child who is humble to forgive, we must accept our mistakes and be willing to accept correction for us to improve.

    ^_^ Rhea Arocha

  5. August 8, 2011

    To: Jorge U. Saguinsin
    Senior Managing Director

    Thru: Melanie G. Bautista
    Cluster Head

    From: Brendalyn G. Garcia

    Subject: Reflection on Five (5) DYSFUNCTIONS of a TEAM
    Things Learned from the Article

    1. Leaders should over communicate. Saying something seven (7) times before employees believe and act on it.

    2. Not holding people accountable for their behaviors is an act of selfishness.

    3. To dwell on positive functions of five (5) dysfunctions of a team.

    Relationship to What I Already Know

    As an employee we take it naturally if our bosses will keep on reminding us often on what we need to do and how we need to act. It is being repeatedly said until we absorbed and believed on it. But saying it once should be enough for us to obey and act because they know what is good for the entire organization.

    Correcting small mistakes of one employee is very important in building healthy organization. Small mistake creates big consequences. So, we must hold employees to be responsible for their own action and behaviors.

    Building trust especially to younger employees is very important. We must always be ready to understand and be open to other ideas.

    What to Do Next:

    1. Listen to other views and ideas by trusting others’ capabilities.
    2. Over communicate. “Pagiging makulit”
    3. Correct unpleasant behaviors of staff FAST.
    4. In dealing with conflicts remember the 3 D’s: Don’t argue. Debate. Do what is right.


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

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