August 11, 2011

Communicators, MGB and AR must post their comments as they Email to SBU

Holy Gardens Memorial Park Group Customer Service, Excellence,Learning, Flexibility and Adaptability for all HELPING IN THE GRIEF OF MANY PEOPLE

To        All


Just to make sure that these blog posts are monitored and pushed, please:

l.  Administrators, post the kind of work you did for the receiver to understand;

2.  Receiver, comment what effort activity was done for you to understand a Circular, memo or blog.

Maraming pa ring posts na kulang ang comment or walang comment or mababaw ang comment.


For compliance



  1. As an administrator of this blog, allot more extra time and effort to monitor and make sure that the receiver / reader understand what was posted and dig deep for them to get the message. For every topic, i must see to it that everybody understand what was we are trying to say or impart to them

  2. Yes sir,I will post a comment as I sent the blogmessage to SBU

    Magcomment sa bawat post at laliman ang understanding.

  3. As receiver, I should always have time to read and understand and discussed to all the staff of hglump. All the insights should be posted here as comment. Questions should also be asked to the administrators if in case the message is not clear.
    Jobyl Marie T. Villanueva

  4. As a receiver, I will make sure that every topic/memo is well understood and post comments that include WTDN and some needed improvements. I will also encourage other staff to post their comments that means they have also read and understood every topic in this blog.

    Brenn Garcia

  5. As one of the receiver, I will always make sure to read the memo/ topic posted for me to discuss to my co employees, for us to understand every detail of our operation and help us to be effective and efficient employee.

    Grace Barrameda


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

4. signify that you have read by putting your name on this comment box. Every staff must: post the name on this comment box, or like, agree/will do. Your registering on this comment box is being graded under communication. Observe RRURAC: Read, Reflect, Understand, Realize (apply to reality) Apply, and Check (if it works)
You need to make __comments a month to qualify for promotion under our CCD

Read the posts on this site every AM talk. Many problems arise simply because people do not know what to do, because they did not read this site

We are making sure that you improve yourself, engage yourself in self improvement through this site...

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.