August 04, 2011







Holy Gardens Memorial Park Group Customer Service, Excellence,Learning, Flexibility and Adaptability for all "Helping in the Grief of Many People"


  1. Like in the Olympics slogan, we should be faster, higher and stronger especially on what is happening right now on our business. Like the athletes in the Olympics, they have passion and determination to be more fast, to aim higher and become the strongest among others. Right after the event, they keep on practicing on their fields for them to become champion... We are born champion. I am born champion. You are born champion.

    editha g. vital C:

  2. In doing our daily task, we should be faster in performing those task have given to us. We should aim also to have a higher or successful business with perseverance to accomplish our target everyday especially on sales and collection and we should be stronger in such a way that we should have determination to work with.

    Joe Ann T. Lacasandile

  3. We must:
    (Faster) Move fast. Act fast.
    (Higher) Strive to meet our targets in sales and collection.
    (Stronger)We will never get tired but be tough to do all our tasks.

    We must always aim for winning. We can do better and great things. We can make a difference.

    Brenn Garcia

  4. Let's aim higher on our sales and collection so that we will have commitment to reach our targets. We must move faster to increase our performance. Let's be stronger as we face difficulties and struggles in our lives. The more sacrifices you make, the closer you are to success.

    Rocel Claribel Cariño

  5. The faster we could be the Higher we will be and
    Stronger we will gonna be.
    Being fast in all our daily tasks will lead us to stonger sales and collections.We are all aiming high to our goals.lets work together as a team and meet our targets. lets move forward faster, higher and stronger to meet our goals in success.We all can do better.

    christine ann p.payopay

  6. In order to win the game, we need to be more faster, stronger and to aim high. If we have this attitude as a team, we can meet our sales and collection targets. Be more motivated even sometimes we feel down,if we will internalize the negative one, that will become the results. Lets move faster, stronger as a team and aim high to meet our goals as a group (company and also for ourselves).

    Danica Grace M. Ordinario

  7. Like every athletes in the olympics we have one goal and that is to win and be number one. We need to have a passion inside us that will make us determined to reach our goals and be successful in our field. We need to think about new and better ideas better than any of our competitors. We need to think not only as a business but also as the customer's point of view to satisfy their needs and wants. We need to stand out of the crowd to attract more clients to be stronger in this very competitive corporate world.

    Marneth Lobrilla

  8. If we want to reach our goals we need to hurry up,make it harder, faster, better and stronger; the more you work hard for it then you make it better; Do it faster makes us stronger more than ever.

    ^_^ Rhea Arocha

  9. the world continuously change we need to adapt to our environment, we need to think what is good to our business we must need to think something new to make our customer satisfied to our service.

    ^_^ Rhea Arocha


1. One of our beliefs is learning. It pays that you learn more to do more Just to survive you have to learn how forage in a forest or raise your food, catch prey

2. In order to discharge your job well, you have to learn your admin plan the process flow and standards.

3. To keep up with changes, you have to learn and read. There is no other way

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