August 06, 2011

Results of Site Visit at La Union and Pangasinan

Holy Gardens Memorial Park Group Customer Service, Excellence,Learning, Flexibility and Adaptability for all

These were the things that need improvement in La Union:

l.  The brush cutter was dirty from previous day's use, without air cleaner (despite discussion on the same thing on telecon earlier) The knowledge of the ft on garden technician is scant.

2.  As to cutting of grasses, there are tall grasses around.

3.  Some blank spots where trees should have been, needs to be planted.

4.  The ground cover, shrub, tree sequence is not followed.

5.  More massing of duranta and peanut plant needs to be done.

6.  The ceiling and flashing of the chapel needs to be repaired.  Some painting cleaning of the muddy  walls and door needs to be done.
7.  We need asap installation of the stand out sign.

8.  We need more tarps.

9.  Pagandahin ayusin ang patrol.

l0.  The marketing staff needs assertiveness and communications and salesmanship training.  I know now why they cant sell at LUMP

ll.  There could be a cheaper way of making the repairs as the mausoleum is intact.  Perhaps, use of crane could be beneficial/save us money.

MGB, JV, please attend and act on this asap.




  1. Noted all comments Sir. We will improved all of these. I will also give constant reports regarding the status.

    Jobyl Marie T. Villanueva

  2. Yes sir some items started the improvement. We will hasten the pace in all the things that need actions.

    I will give constant reports.


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